Chrissy Pratt has been an animal trainer and behaviorist for over 18 years. She has worked with a variety of animals, and consulted with elephant organizations all over the world, including Wild is Life/Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery, Myanmar Timber Enterprise, and Boon Lott's Elephant Sanctuary. Chrissy has trained over 100 elephants and mahouts, improving welfare and implementing successful positive reinforcement training and enrichment programs. She enjoys getting local communities involved and excited about elephants, behavior, and conservation.
Regular medical care is critical to captive elephants’ health and well being. Procedures are scary and stressful for elephants and dangerous for mahouts and veterinarians involved. Learn how protected contact and positive reinforcement training provide a solution.
Traditional elephant training requires the mahout, or elephant caretaker, to maintain a dominant relationship with their elephant using fear, force, and control. Learn how positive reinforcement creates partnerships based on mutual trust, respect, and freedom of choice.
The challenges are endless, but creative and sustainable solutions can be found, especially when we all work together. Learn how this is done through language barriers, cultural differences, and limited resources in places like Thailand, Zimbabwe, India, Nepal, and Myanmar.
Improving The LIves Of Captive Elephants; It's Up To All Of Us
Learn about the challenges and rewards of training elephants with positive reinforcement in rescue/rehabilitative settings.
Chrissy Pratt One Sheet
Chrissy Pratt One Sheet __ (pdf)
Download"I thoroughly enjoy listening to Chrissy talk about her experiences working with captive elephants all over the world. She teaches about behavior and training in a way that is easy to understand and insightful. She is informative and honest about the captive elephant industry, shedding light on important issues that aren’t often discussed, while also leaving you inspired." ---Dr. Erica Ward, Loop Abroad
"Listening to Chrissy talk about elephants and the work she does to better their lives is a very inspirational experience. Chrissy helps people understand the minds of elephants and how intelligent and emotionally complex they are, leading to more compassion and understanding."---Jodi Thomas, Save Elephant Foundation
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